Tar with password protect file unix

The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How do I password protect a. Ask Question. Asked 10 years ago. Active 6 months ago. Viewed k times. I'm using the Unix tar command as follows to tar up a directory and its files: tar cvzf fileToTar.

Improve this question. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Tanky Woo 1 1 silver badge 11 11 bronze badges. Christopher Neylan Christopher Neylan 8 8 silver badges 7 7 bronze badges.

AlexanderMills Most password-accepting tools prompt the user for it from the terminal rather than a command line argument, as to prevent the password showing up in history. You can use command: zip -P password file. Panta Panta 3 3 silver badges 2 2 bronze badges. Does zip know enough to scrub the password section of the command line the moment it's run so it doesn't show up or only shows up for millicsonds in a ps?

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TODD True, zip --help gives more information on options. On Fedora 30, was necessary to: zip -P password -r zipfile. Bob Many thanks for sharing.

Same under Debian 10 Reply. Prabhat, In our case, the same command worked perfectly on Ubuntu distro, may be some options differ in different Linux distros… Reply. Password option is uppercase P, not lowercase as shown above. Right syntax is: zip -e ccat-command. Without " ". Password protect a zip file. Hi, I'm working on Solaris 9 and i need to unzip a password protected zip, which i can do using zip -Ppassword filename however when i have done what i need to do with the file is to zip the file back up with a password.

Zip on my system is version 2. How can PAssword protect uploaded files. RAR format that's easy but also password protected? Thanks 0 Replies. Zip and password protect non-interactively. I'm wondering if there is a way to zip a file and password protect it non-interactively.

This needs to be done automatically as part of a shell script. I'm using the zip command because the will be unzipped by a Windows machine.

Password protect UNIX printers? Is there a way to password protect a printer that is on a LAN network? Our security officer said our UNIX printers need to be password protected.

Is this possible? I am running Solaris 7 and Thanks in advanced for any suggestions. Create and pw protect. Ok here at work I have been charged with finding a way to create a password protect. Now i have yet to actully sit down and learn UNIX yet, but that is one of my next todo's.

Anyway my questions is I have been surfing in search of a solution and the closest answer Password protect a file.


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