The sims bustin out gba faqs

Every time you reduce your relationship with Misty by about 10 points, end the conversation and then hit A again to talk to her. If your relationship score drops by too much about 30 in one conversation, she will stop talking to you and won't talk again for days. By exiting and going back, you do not trigger her "not speaking to you" response. Completion: Talk to Misty to unlock the game. Use the same method you used with Misty to get your relationship with McClean down to Go down there and get the Rocket.

Schmooze up Daddy Bigbucks and get him to give you a grant for research. Completion: This opens the Petri Dish minigame. You have to talk to someone, probably Max Moore. Once you have the camera and Dan is ready to help you nab Giuseppi, go to your Uncle's Farm. When you enter the farmhouse, the screen will pan to show you Giuseppi robbing the place and your uncle tied up in a corner. Walk up to Giuseppi and take a picture of him I prefer 'Say cheese'. Detective Dan will arrive and take him off to jail.

Completion: Exit and re-enter the farmhouse to set everything back to normal. Talk to Vera to let her know Giuseppi is gone. BUG: Once Giuseppi is in jail, he can still be targeted by the delivery missions. If this happens you cannot complete the delivery and cannot start any more delivery missions since you cannot get rid of whatever was to go to Giuseppi. Once activated, you cannot get back into your Uncle's farmhouse.

Put the Rocket on the launch pad northwest side of the mansion , repair it if you haven't already. You find him in the mansion. Once you start to talk with him, the game will end. Hayseed: Well, Name, summer's over. Sure went fast, didn't it?

Y: As fast as the Veloci-Rooster! H: And you, on the ballot for Mayor of SimValley! You made me proud, kid. Y: Thanks, Uncle Hayseed! H: And this rocket you restored. You're one of a kind, Name. But it's time for you to leave SimValley. Y: But I don't want to leave. I love it here!

It's my home. H: No, Name, it's not. Not anymore. It never was You repairing this rocket isn't coincidence. It's time for you to really go home, kid. H: If that rocket leaves the ground and you're not with it, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life. Goodbye, Name. Perhaps I'll see you again someday.

Y: I understand. You leave the house, wave to many SimValley residents who came to see you off and climb into the rocket. It takes off and plummets back to earth. Then, the credits roll and you are back at the Start menu. Promotions: Indicates titles and requirements for promotion by level. In others it varies by level. Avoid the rocks and your uncle's precious flowers! Lawn Dude Mechanical 1, Game Score?? Level 2.

Level 3. Level 4. Strategy: Don't run over your Uncle's flowers. You don't need to get all of them if you avoid the flowers. Hitting a rock is only dangerous if it puts you in line with a flower. It also wastes a small amount of time. Press the A Button to stop the direction meter, and again to control the power of your slide. Don't break too many mugs! Busboy Game Score 75 Level 2. Controls A -Stop Direction Indicator A -Send Drink Strategy: It seems that the farther down the bar you successful send each glass to a customer who wants that kind of drink , the more it scores.

On the other hand, you can go through more glasses, the shorter the distance you send them. Does anyone know what the numbers next to the glasses means?

Press the A Button rapidly to lift the weight. Weightlifter Body 2, Game Score 50 Level 2. Bodybuilder Body 4, Game Score Level 3. Strongman Body 7, Game Score Level 4.

Ironman Body 10, Game Score Level 5. Select your lure and press the A Button to cast. Salty Jr. Mechanical 4, Body 2, Game Score Level 4. The number indicates how much of that bait remains.

From top to bottom, the baits lures blue, green, or black fish. A -Cast the line v -Pull the rod back to lift the fish out of the water. A -Exert effort reeling in the fish hit repeatedly Strategy: The black fish tend to be larger than their silhouette indicates. Thus they score higher than the other fish but are also more likely to get away.

If the fish seems to be getting the better of you, use the DOWN arrow to weaken him. Follow the rhythm and press the Control Pad and proper button when the combo is in the green bar. Watch the beat! Promotions Level 1. The King! Controls: As indicated on the scrolling chord chart.

Strategy: There isn't much strategy here, you either have hand- eye coordination or not. You have to press the key relatively at the same time.

The middle of the circle must be within the red timing square to count. Use the A Button to toss the pizza in the air and grab ingredients. Use the L Button and R Button to switch slices. Remember, no one in SimValley likes anchovies! Level 5. Make sure is you don't move the pan while the pizza is in the air or it will go spat and you'll have to start that pizza over.

Use the Control Pad to perform aerial acrobatics. Level 1. Do two back flips before hitting the water. After two dives you should be close. Do three back flips before hitting the water. Hard, you have to time it well. Substitute a tight forward flip if you have problems with the timing.

Do three back flips and a twist. Do two tight forward flips and three back flips. Select an amoeba with the Control Pad and press the A Button to vaporize nearby ones of the same color. Beware the mutagens which trnsform the amoebas around them! Lab Technician Level 2.

Strategy: Because of the random element, you cannot play this with too much planning ahead so select the largest continuous area of the same color to maximize your score. NPCs When you are trying to schmooze the SimValley residents, it helps to know why lines of conversation will peak their interest and which will turn them off. The Loves and Hates entries below should guide your schmooze attempts. Complete dialogs may arrive here if I'm ambitious and bored.

Chase Well hello there, kid. Chet R. Chase is sure happy to meet you. Are you a contestant on his Papa Chef's Pizza Pandemonium show yet? If so, step into the kitchen. If not Peopl around here call me Daddy Bigbucks. If you like what you see in SimValley, it's a good bet I own it.

I am Saschel Swank - art aficianado and esteemed university professor, though not necessarily in that order. Dan D. Haven't you heard of me? Eddie Renalin, the strongest, handsomest, most buffed-up beefcake the world has ever seen. What kind of name is Name? My name, Ephram Earl, is much nicer.

Do you want mine? I don't really need it. I've had it for almost years Not because I'm angry, but because I'm fearless. My name's Misty Waters. I'm SimValley's best and only lifeguard, which means I get a lot of sun, but not a lot of swimming practice.

If you ever need anything you don't really need, you come see me. Phil McClean My given name is O. Loves: The Sea. Locations The map below is basically accurate. It shows how the places are located with respect to one another. The Labyrinth, Park, Paradise Island, and Sewer maps will follow shortly as may closeup views of each game panel. Facilities: What publicly available stuff can you access in this place and what does it cost to use them. Sells: What can you buy there.

Buys: What can you sell there. Minigame: What minigame, if any, is found there. Secrets: Any secret locations in the place. Division: Any sub areas found within the location. Which are separate screens, not places with walls you can walk to on the same screen. Access To: What area does this spot grant access to. Freebies: Location of cogs, mice, etc. Opens again when Mission 5: Mystery of the Cosmos is activated.

Closes again once Rocket is removed from the basement. Secrets: Basement in backroom. Minigame: Bait Flinger 7. Facilities: Chair, Sink, Toilet, Auction. Sells: Six random items from the general catalog, see Stuff below. Sells: Two random Animals, see animals under Stuff below. Consumed as soon as it is bought. Divisions: Main floor, 2 bathrooms, casino loft.

Secrets: Enter the sewers from the park to activate a switch that leads to a secret area containing your Astrological Recliner.

Facilities: Chairs, Bed, Decorative Pieces. Secrets: On completion of Experience the Paranormal, a trapdoor to a secret basement appears. Divisions: Graveyard, main floor, upper floor, secret basement.

Comes standard with a mattress woven from palm leaves. New models are no longer cursed! Stuff When you buy stuff, it goes into your pockets. In your house, you can place things in you pockets in any room in the house. Items you own have at least these two actions attached to them: Put in Pocket and Move. Put in Pocket: Moves the item to your pocket.

You can only have 8 items in your pockets at one time. Move: Enables you to move the item around the room. The PAD moves the item, the shoulder buttons rotate the item's orientation the arrow on the item silhouette points in the direction you must approach the item to use it.

When the silhouette is yellow, you can press the A Button to place the item. If the silhouette is red, something is in the way of the item, or of the square from which you stand to use the item.

Admire: Admiring an object causes you to improve your House need because you take the time to enjoy seeing the item in your house. Clean: The only real difference between Appliances and Furniture is that Appliances get dirty. When the clean option appears you have about a day to clean the object before flies start gathering on the dirt.

Make a Call: Telephones have this ability to find out where you can find your friends. Your home telephone also has a services menu to calling the fire department, a maid and a repairman. See using the telephones below. Make X: Food and drink appliances have this option. X can be fixed, like on the Espresso machine, X is Espresso. Food or Drink created in this manner are consumed as soon as they are made. Repair: Appliances and Electronics can break.

When this option appears you cannot use the item until it is fixed. Fixing it yourself succeeds depending on how much Mechanical skill you possess. If you fail, you are electrocuted and pass out. See Passing Out below.

If successful a progress bar shaped like a wrench appears to show you your progress repairing the item. Sit: Take a load off. Increases your Comfort motive rather quickly. Sleep: Increases your Energy and Comfort needs. The game clock moves rapidly while sleeping.

Study X: Use the device to earn points in skill X. Using an item in this manner usually causes your Comfort need to drop. Some Study items improve your Fun need. Turn On: This activates the appliance. You must then hit A again to make use of the options available when the appliance is On.

What do you need help on? Cancel X. Would you recommend this Guide? Yes No Hide. Send Skip Hide. Message Sent. Codebreaker Code List by wimbly Version:. Disclaimer b. Version History 1. Main code list 1. Unlock Missions Codes 1. Unlock Jobs Codes 1. Money Code 1. Items Codes 1. Play, work, and socialize with a cast of over 25 new outrageous characters and climb through a dozen new careers. The Sims Bustin' Out also features new integrated two-player gameplay and memory card support, for those players who like to take their Sims over to a friend's house and show them off.

User Ratings. Your Score. More statistics and details. Side Quest Are there any working gameshark codes? Side Quest Where do i find the cliffs? Side Quest More Questions ». The Sims passes million mark Updated Apr 16,


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